We are committed to deliver the best service to our customers.
If, however, you still have remarks or complaints about the service we have provided, please contact us at:
Colonnade Insurance S.A. – Bulgaria Branch
51B Cherni vrah blvd., Entrance B, Floor 2
FairPlay Business Center
1407 Sofia, Bulgaria
Email: complaints@colonnade.bg
Telephone: 0700 14 251
In order for us to respond to your request in a due course, please state your insurance policy number, claim number or both. We will do our utmost to resolve your issue or difficulty.
A complaint shall be handled without undue delay, and no later than 30 days from the date of registration. This period may be extended due to objective reasons. In this case, the complainant shall be informed of the expected deadline and of the reasons why the time limit is to be extended within 30 days of the date of registration. The complainant is entitled to obtain a comprehensive explanation of Colonnade Insurance’s point in a clear and comprehensible manner.
If, however, you are not completely satisfied, you can address your issue with the Financial Services Commission, which supervises the insurance industry in Bulgaria at the following address: 1000 Sofia, 16 Budapeshta str.
On the territory of Bulgaria disputes related to the provision of insurance services may be dealt with out of court in alternative dispute resolution proceedings before the Sectoral Conciliation Commission of the Consumer Protection Commission, at the following address: 1 Vrabcha str., Sofia 1000.
Our Complaints handling procedures are based on the recommendation BoS 12/069 of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).
You can also request alternative dispute resolution from the Luxembourg supervisory authority, the Commissariat Aux Assurances (CAA). You can find more information on the alternative dispute resolution offered by the CAA here.